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Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Rolled out of bed at 5:20 (got a wee bit more sleep than the rest of them but I was awake) and we were on Aubrey Lake by 7:15am. Nice Lake but we only got 2 - Chris got a small one that we put back and Rejean got a keeper. We had never fished the lake before and it will take a few times before we find the right places. But it was a pretty lake - nice rock faces as you can see in the pictures. Tomorrow we will fish Tunnel Lake again. We know where to go. But the coffee is set for 5:30 - not 5am - I put my foot down. And on Thursday we will golf. I want to walk but Chris and Egon want to get carts so I guess we will too. I hope everyone stocked up on booze - we spend $450!!! People that are coming up here for vacations wanted us to buy them some booze so that they had some up here just in case the strike lasts longer than expected. You should see Keith's beer room!!!!! Piled to the roof. And his supply of liquor - a lot!!!! Just in case....I need my beer for these hot summer days.

See Ya By

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