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Monday, June 22, 2009


Just a few images of our day today. We headed out on our 4 wheelers along the hydro line to the Little White River. Along the way we passed some big piles of bear poop and the bear tracks along with them. I'm glad we never ran into the one that left that pile. It was BIG and FRESH!! I was in the lead because I have been along that route more times than Rejean and I must admit I was hoping that I wouldn't run into a bear - we were in prime bear area - lots of open fields of fresh green grass but we never did see one. BUT I did see a MOOSE!! We were coming along the trail, almost where it meets the logging road and it came out of the bush right in front of me and ran down the hill across the road and back into the bush. But I did get a good look at it and it was big with a big rack. How exciting. We stopped at Chrissy's spot (that is what I am going to call it from now on because she always gets a nice trout - as the picture proves). I got a small trout as well. She kept hers and I let mine go. I got a good picture of Rejean, Egon and Chris at a nice look out spot. We took the highway back to the Trading Post where we all had an ice cream cone - was it good because it was very hot today. I have a farmer's tan on my arms!! I'll have to fix that soon. We ate the pickerel that we caught yesterday for dinner tonite with some french fries and coleslaw - delicious. We are back out tomorrow to Aubrey Lake to try our luck there - they want to get up at 5am!!!! I can't take much more of this. I like to sleep in til at least 7!!! What I'll do to go fishing...
See Ya By

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