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Monday, June 1, 2009


I am going to a Buck and Doe this Saturday nite at the hall for Ashley and Luke. I have volunteered to do my World Famous Deviled Eggs (100 of them) and I also donated a door prize. I got a bottle of wine and two of my handpainted wine glasses left over from a party a few years ago, a box of chocolates, two small candles and some wine charms in a sports theme. I put them in a basket from the dollar store and some tissue paper, ribbon and cellophane and voila - instant romance, as I call it. It turned out great - better than I imagined. If I ever go into business with this I have decided to call my business the Basket Case - how appropriate. I heard that!! No comments from the cheap seats!!
See Ya By


Anonymous said...

you will have to start going out to gargage sales to pick up more baskets-great way to spend a saturday-the baskets are a great gift-a talent i did not know you had-look what retired life does to you-sisatersue

Burke said...

i like the name basket case great work also the info about your testicle plants i have never seen one before see ya soon