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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Ron, the birthday boy with his pie - he did share with us.

The birthday party guests - from the left, Mary, Ron, Linda and Rejean - Daniel is in Quebec but will be home this weekend

The birthday lemon merangue pie - it was delicious

Veal shepherd's pie - right from the oven - yum yum

The evil Black Fly

Last nite we went over to Linda's for Ron's birthday party dinner. She made a shepherd's pie in a cast iron frying pan - went right from the stove top to the oven to the table - she made it from veal and it was delicious. She also made his favourite desert - lemon pie - he was very pleased!!! We watched the hockey game afterwards - what a game - Montreal is still alive. The next game is Wednesday nite and I have a meeting at the Wharncliffe Hall - maybe I can call in sick....

The Black Flies are out!!! We were loading the rest of the wood into the trailer to take over to the other property and they were annoying. I hate it when they get in your ears and start buzzzzzzing. Time to get the nets out.

Rick is pulling in tomorrow and the pickerel opener is this weekend - I know where I will be on Saturday nite....

We lost our burn barrel when we were gone - apparently there were some strong winds and I think it blew into the lake, maybe floated for a bit then sank to the bottom - we will have to wait for a calm day to go out in the boat to find it. That can't be too good for the lake to have it rusting on the bottom. Another thing on the list of things to do. It is never boring up here.
See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

what a great birthday dinner-hope you enjoyed. ray did a fantastic job on the cabinets. what a great son he is.he is so talented. i'm glad he enjoys doing projects like that. happy fishing and leave some for us to catch in aug.get rid of those blackflys thou-sister sue-love you

northernbliss said...

Thanks Susan - and there will be plenty of fish for you in August - I'll save you some - love you too