Washing off the dust - it wasn't deep.
We headed out after dinner to try and get some walley - we loaded up the 4 wheelers and off down the highway we went. We passed a turtle just coming off the highway - whoever said turtles are slow - this one was booting it. This is the time of year all the turtles lay their eggs and some are on the side of the highways in the gravel - turtle carnage up here sometimes. I don't know where this one was headed but I figured he knew better than I. We got to the spot and fished but nothing - we came home in the dark. Nice evening even if we didn't catch anything.
Maybe tomorrow - Ron is taking us out on his boat to Tunnel Lake - keep your fingers crossed...
See Ya Bye
How's your boat coming along, is it ready for the water yet?
with my dialup i was quite concerned with the pic that would show with the caption"cocked locked and ready to rock"remember mom used to watch a wildlife animal show? what was it called? she would be proud that you are following her love of the outdoor animals--SNAKES EATING FROGS!!what a horror show-i wont be able to sleep tonite-sistersuelove ya
Is that the Mississauga River / Tunnel lake that is that low?
Yes that is the Mississaugi River and yes, it is that low. I hear that they can only go down 3 more feet!!! It is brutal!!!
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