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Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I got a better picture of the 3 of us today and I used the other camera. We hit a stream first, the guys went one way and I went the other. I had no luck at all altho I did come across a very nice hole. But nothing. the guys were only catching small ones so it was decided to go to the river to finish the day. Good thing we did as the guys did very well. I guess I was too busy taking pictures. I had tried to fish that same spot a couple of nites ago but never got even a hit. Rick got a nice rainbow and lost 2 more - one he had on for a while. Rejean hooking into a nice 2 1/2 pound rainbow. It took him over 10 minutes to get him in Rick's net. He was in the rapids and used the currents - he was peeling line off. It was nice. And don't they look happy? Brothers - what can I say...
See Ya Bye

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