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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Looking for lunch
Toad Legs Anyone???

Finally got to the end

The lump is moving down his body - you could actually see it move - weird

We have a couple of garter snakes that hang around here - last year I fed them worms - remember? I have been keeping my eyes peeled for them because it has been very warm and I knew they would be out - well yesterday morning I spotted the big one around the garage. I watched him for a while and then he proceeded to position himself right under the doorway stoop. I thought that he was just getting out of the sun. I saw him make funny movements but I thought he was just shedding his skin. I decided to let him be for a while. Well, I went back and what do I see? He's eating a toad!!!!! I saw the toad's leg move and then I focused on what I was seeing. Good thing I had my camera at hand to record the event. I had trouble looking at first because I felt so bad for the toad - and if I had known that he was going after the toad, I would have rescued or scared off the toad. But I was too late. It was after I downloaded the pictures that I was able to get a better view of what he was doing. Hard to believe that the snake can actually unhinge their jaws to swallow such a big dinner. It took about 1/2 hour for him to get it down. You could see his body moving to ease the toad down. I don't know what that red thing is but it was from the toad. I kept a safe distance because I didn't want to interrupt the process - I can't imagine that snake taking off with that toad still in his mouth.

I found this fascinating and I am not afraid to say so - there was nothing I could do to save the toad and the snake has to survive so I was just there to record it - it happens all the time up here - survival of the fittest - and that snake found a smaller toad at the same spot and ate that - not to mention the 2 earthworms I threw at him. Yum Yum.

Just another day in paradise....