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Sunday, May 23, 2010


Some of the crowd at the card presentation
Nat and her 1st birthday on the lake card - nice people

Rolly and Gloria - the guests of honor

Some interesting t-shirts - an optical illusion - fooled me...

The cooks extraordinaire - John, Ron and Davey - yum yum

Yesterday was a going away party for Rolly and Gloria from Axe Lake - they have lived on the lake for over 30 years - in the beginning without running water and hydro - having to walk into their place from the highway in the winter. Talk about dedication!!! They have sold their place and will be moving back to Windsor - yesterday was a chance for the Axe Lakers to show them how much they will be missed - and a chance to eat good food!!!! Davey always brings up tons of ribs and chicken. As you can see there were 3 BBQs going strong. I, of course, made my devilled eggs (my signature dish now) and there were tons of other good food. Including deserts!!!
Rice Krispie Squares from Linda - the best!! and chocolate chip cookies from Cheryle - just the way I like them. Everyone was there, including Nat and Brent, who have been on the lake for just 1 year - she got a birthday card too. We got there at about 3pm and made the rounds - we stopped to see Kenny's new addition but found he had left for Windsor that morning - he always does that, leaves unexpectedly. We got a look at Roger's new kitchen - beautiful. And we watched the end of the first period of the hockey game at Bob's. Then we headed back to the party - the food was delicious and, of course, there was way too much so we got to take a doggy bad of ribs home for lunch today. Tonite we are headed over to Ute's for dinner - her friends are in again (remember the Coq Au Vin dinner? - the same girls) I always like it when I don't have to cook or wash dishes!!! There is a fire ban on right now because it is soooooo dry up here. We couldn't even lite up the firecrackers we had - we'll have to wait until it is lifted. We headed home at about 10pm - people were starting to play cards and I don't do cards - they were playing something called DoNuts????

We heard that some people would be stopping by today so we will just stick around today but next week there will be some serious fishing going around here - no chores to do, no where to be - perfect...

See Ya Bye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like lots of fun and good eats-who bought their place?-we will have to teach you cards when we are up. try to get the gist of the card game or the rules and we will practice when i come up-love you-sistersue