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Saturday, April 16, 2011


We finally made it to the Curling Club's chicken wing nite. All you can eat of chicken wings with different sauces (I like the Frank's Hot Sauce mixed with Honey Garlic yum yum) salad - potato or cesar, roll, desert and chocolate Easter Eggs for $11!!! Bargoon. It was great!! All the Axe Lake crew were there, including Clarence, who had a great time. Plain Jane and Les were there as well as Darlene and Ron. A great time was held by all - now we have to wait until next fall to go to another one. But it was well worth the wait. Delicious!! See ya Bye
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Karen said...

Nice to see Poppa Beavers was out with you guys! Why is he the only blurry person in the photo though? Moving too quickly with the all you can eat wings???

Meagan Beavers said...

Oh we know he was going to town on those wings!