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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A view of the lake this morning between rain falls - just some ice around the far shores - calm

Barry, with some serious eye protection - I think they are ski goggles

Ed, doing some wiring Ute says, we need the rain tho. It will bring up the lake levels and keep the bush moist so no fire bans. But, do we really need this much?

The guys are staying busy in the garage working on the trailer and they are doing a great job. The 3 of them work very well together I must say. I made them lunch and dinner is heating up in the oven - Eddie brought up a shepherd's pie that he made and it looks delicious - I have a salad to go along and a Sesame Seed French Bread with no cholesterol I might add. They brought up a ton of food and Friday is the fish fry at the Legion in Thessalon that we are going to for sure.

Another hockey game tonite - Montreal is playing so I have to try and stay up for that one - I have been sick with a horrible cough but I got some new Buckley's for mucous and phlegm (sorry, but I am sick and I do have those things) and I must say, it works!!! I took my first teaspoon and in about 5 minutes I could breath and my cough was suppressed. I have been a Buckley's girl ever since my friend Evelyn from work turned me on to it. I highly recommend Buckley's - and they are not paying me to say this.

Well the guys should be coming in any time now - it is pouring rain out there still. At least it is not snow....

See Ya Bye

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