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Monday, April 18, 2011


Stacey is doing the Woodstock Marathon - actually the Hallucination 100 - 100 miles that is!! I have volunteered to be among her entourage - support group in other words. There is a 30 hour time limit for the 100 so I figure I have about 3 hours to kill so why not sign up for the Hippy Half. So that is what I did about 5 minutes ago. I didn't do one last year and boy did I feel like a slug. I need to register early so I can focus on the training - and this one is a trail race. I have never done a trail race before - mine have all been marathons or halfs in cities such as Portland, Chicago, Detroit and Toronto. And all have been done on city streets, thru neighbourhoods and business sections. This one will be thru the woods and up and down hills along dirt trails thru Pinkney State Park Recreation Area in Michigan. Sounds like fun. And I have the best training grounds ever - my own back yard. I have trails around here that are perfect. I'll have to get some pointers from Stacey about what I need - like special shoes. And, because it is the Woodstock Marathon and I am doing the Hippy Half, I have to get a special shirt - maybe tie-die or the peace sign with a Maple Leaf to show I am a Canadian. Oh the possibilities... to coin a phrase from Stacey....Gotta start training


Anonymous said...

Hi Janet,
our hiking trail is all yours. we'll be your support team,
Ute and Sascha ....ooppss we better get busy and clean out some branches and trees before you run:)

northernbliss said...

Thanks Ute and Sasha but I will be walking not running. But I still need support. We have to get out as well to clean our trails - maybe in the nicer weather.

Anonymous said...

I have my tie dye shirt from Portland you can borrow!! It is at my place!

Anonymous said...

when is it????? i would love to cheer you guys on too!!!

Unknown said...

We're gonna have so much fun!!!