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Thursday, April 28, 2011


...we are going fishing!! In my opinion, a much better way to spend my day. They guys worked all day long on the boat. The trailer is all finished and it looks better than new. All new wiring and all freshly painted. The tires are brand new so we didn't have to replace them. They wired the boat for the lights so it can be used at nite. They are replacing the transom on the boat with a piece of oak that received 3 coats of spar varnish. They replaced the forward deck supports with another piece of oak. And they replaced all the screws with brand new plated ones so they are nice and shiny. I'll be taking the motor in on Monday to be overhauled so we will be all ready to go when the ice is out on the big lakes.
But tomorrow is supposed to be nice so we are going to give the guys a break and go fishing on the river. There are brand new waders to be broken in and worms to be fed to the awaiting fish (if it's not too cold) but who cares - at least I'll be out there giving it a try. And either way, we still eat fish tomorrow because it is the Fish Fry at the Legion. Yeaaa.
See ya Bye


Anonymous said...

So what did you think of the Royal Wedding? Did you pick up any pointers for next summer?

northernbliss said...

Yes - I am not going to go for the big hats!! I pity the people that sat behind some of them. I think some were just toooooo much. I will go for something a bit more ME. But I liked the horse and buggys....just saying.