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Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This is Mitch's travelling companion for his trip home tomorrow. It can get pretty lonely on the road for 27 hours...just saying.
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Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Did Mitch and his travelling companion get home safe and sound ?

northernbliss said...

Yes he did - he left here at 3:15 am on Thursday morning and arrived back in Calgary at 7:30pm on Friday - our times - as Joanne said - he put the pedal to the metal - record time - could it have been his travelling companion?

Anonymous said...

What happened to all your followers? What did you do with us?

northernbliss said...

You guys are still there - maybe something happened with the website but I still have 21 loyal followers, who I am very grateful for.

Unknown said...

I see the followers!