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Saturday, May 29, 2021



Well threw in a couple of dragonfly pictures as they are very plentiful right now around here.  Just when the bugs can't get any worse, the dragonflies come out.  And they are everywhere.  So many different varieties as well.  They keep the black flies and mosquitos at bay.

We went out last night after dinner and fished the river.  You really had to work for them.  I had a good hit and then something (probably a nice pike) bit my line and took my hook and worm.  No time to set the hook.  Rejean got all three walleye last nite.  Some nice ones too.  They are all cleaned and in the freezer for a big birthday party in August for Rejean's Mom's 95 birthday party.  She likes our fish!

Thursday, May 27, 2021



What an amazing day fishing!!  We loaded up the trailers with the quads and headed out to a spot not far from where we live.  It was a very ambitious trail to get to the spot and it took us about 45 minutes to get there   We haven't fished it in a while and the last time we never got anything.  It was cool, sunny and the bugs weren't bad.  Perfect.  We all caught fish.  We ended up with 12 between the three of us.  One rainbow and the rest were Brook Trout.  I got a beauty in a nice hole.  I never even knew I had him on.  The water was running very strong and my cast was retrieved and then hung up for a moment.  I looked down and saw a stick with a big square fish tail by it and I hoped it was on my line.  Rejean and I forgot our nets on the quad so we had to beach all our fish.  And with ultra light rods and only 6 pound test line it was tricky.  But I pulled that fish out of the water and onto the rocks with a cheer.  Got him!!  He was delicious!!!  It has been a long time since we had a nice Brook Trout dinner and some were left over for Rick to take home with him.  

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


 I actually only stole the lilacs from an abandon house along the highway.  I love lilacs and they were just going to wilt on the big lilac bush so I stopped there today and grabbed a few branches.  They smell so fine!!!  I will enjoy them for a few days.

Got a picture of a mother Canada Goose and her kids in the Thessalon River.  The mom and dad both were giving me the evil eye so I made it quick.  I figured I could run faster than they could get up the bank so I was safe.

And passing the Tunnel Lake Trading Post I couldn't believe my eyes!!!  I don't think I have ever seen so many cars and people in the lot.  People were lined up to get inside.  Two big buses and about 5 trailers full of young people heading up the highway to somewhere.  With a lockdown in progress I don't know where they could have been going.  

Monday, May 24, 2021



My little chipmunk keeping an eye out for the little weasel that has been seen hanging around today.  Weasels hunt little rodents so he better keep a keen eye out for him.

My Testicle Plants are out!!!  They are actually Pink Lady's Slippers which is a member of the orchid family.  We have a lot around here.  Always a nice day when you see them.

Hit the Greenhouse today for my plants - $125 later!!!  Next year I will grow my own.  It is getting a bit expensive and the selection was not that great today.  Apparently everyone is gardening this year.  We have all our tomato and cucumber plants in front of our house like last year.  Only place that gets full sun and is close to a garden hose.  

Got our central air installed this week.  It has been cool so no need for it yet but I have a feeling that it will be a very hot and humid summer up here so we are prepared.  

We trimmed some small trees and bushes out front that was interfering with the view of the lake.  We left the majority up but now you can see the lake a little better.

Pictures of my red chairs with a new plant just because I think it is pretty.

Steve is on his way home tomorrow with these two beauties.  Steve has his own business, Flo Hardwoods where he makes custom dining tables, coffee tables, desks etc. out of beautiful pieces of wood.  He is always on the lookout for these driftwood root balls that he uses to create amazing coffee tables.  He found a couple and they fit into his trailer for the ride home.  Can't wait to see what he does with them.  Check out his website to see his past creations.

Sunday, May 23, 2021



It was a nice cool day today so I did me some grass cutting'.  First at our place then headed over to Joanne and Mitch's to check out their grass.  Their lawn mower started first pull!!  Made my life easier.  Ran into their resident snake down by the dock.  It is a good size one.  I took a couple of pics and left him alone.  I didn't have any worms with me and I couldn't find one in the grass so I couldn't feed him.  Also spotted a new bird's nest over top of their back door light.  I bet it is a robin's nest.  I spotted two of them looking for worms on the septic bed. 

After dinner Rick, Steve, Rejean and I went for a walk over to the bunkie.  Steve has the best view of the lake and also the closest to the musically inclined frogs and peepers.  They are in full song each night.  We can hear it loud and clear from our place so I can only imagine what it sounds like to Steve.  He says it puts him to sleep at night.  It is a beautiful sound.

Monday, May 17, 2021


 The Walleye opener saw the 3 of us (Rick, Rejean and myself) out on the boat on Tunnel at the crack o'dawn.  They were not jumping in the boat tho.  I got the first one and we ended the morning with 5 in the live well.  Enough for dinner that evening.  Stacey was visiting so she enjoyed the fish fry.  I went and picked up some fresh cut fries from the new chip bus in Wharncliffe so it was fish and chips.  Delicious.  

On Saturday evening we went to our other spot and fished from shore.  Nothing but bass but everyone caught some decent ones which we released.  The walleye just weren't biting.  And neither were the black flies that night.

The first picture is of the new sign announcing your arrival in Thessalon.  It is very colourful and lights up at night.  Beautiful.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


 My beautiful Mom.  I miss her every day.  Whenever something comes up that I know she would have liked, I think about her and wish she was still with us.  

I love you Mom

Saturday, May 8, 2021


 Four hours of clearing today and the trail is done!!  It really wasn't that bd considering we haven't been up that trail in years.  The wildflowers are just starting to come out.  The little yellow ones weren't quite ready to get their picture taken but the pink ones were.  Pretty and they are everywhere.  

Spotted this medium size garter snake in the leaves.  It was still kind of chilly so he wasn't moving at all.  Too bad I didn't pack a few earth worms for him.  I didn't see him on the way back.  

We got all the signs up along the trail and at the top.  As you can see in the last picture, it was time for new signage.  No excuse for lost hikers!!!!

Tomorrow we will check out our usual fishing spots in anticipation of the walleye opener next Saturday.  Can't wait!!!!!

Friday, May 7, 2021


 We came back yesterday after clearing a hiking trail and found this grouse on Stacey and Andrew's back porch.  He must have smacked into the side of the house and died.  Today we saw another grouse in my garden.  Probably looking for her friend.  The dead grouse must have been there for a while as he was quite stiff.  Believe me if it had been a fresh death it would have been dinner.  As it was he is now laying at the bottom of our trailer pad nourishing all the little creatures down there.  

We still have another day of cleaning the hiking trail across the road.  But today we put up two of the trail signs Rejean made over the winter.  I think they look pretty good.  Easy to see and being cedar, they will last probably longer than we will.  HaHa

Saw some fresh Pileated Woodpecker pickings on a dead tree over on the mine side.  You can always tell their work as the holes and the chips are quite large.