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Sunday, May 23, 2021



It was a nice cool day today so I did me some grass cutting'.  First at our place then headed over to Joanne and Mitch's to check out their grass.  Their lawn mower started first pull!!  Made my life easier.  Ran into their resident snake down by the dock.  It is a good size one.  I took a couple of pics and left him alone.  I didn't have any worms with me and I couldn't find one in the grass so I couldn't feed him.  Also spotted a new bird's nest over top of their back door light.  I bet it is a robin's nest.  I spotted two of them looking for worms on the septic bed. 

After dinner Rick, Steve, Rejean and I went for a walk over to the bunkie.  Steve has the best view of the lake and also the closest to the musically inclined frogs and peepers.  They are in full song each night.  We can hear it loud and clear from our place so I can only imagine what it sounds like to Steve.  He says it puts him to sleep at night.  It is a beautiful sound.

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