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Monday, May 17, 2021


 The Walleye opener saw the 3 of us (Rick, Rejean and myself) out on the boat on Tunnel at the crack o'dawn.  They were not jumping in the boat tho.  I got the first one and we ended the morning with 5 in the live well.  Enough for dinner that evening.  Stacey was visiting so she enjoyed the fish fry.  I went and picked up some fresh cut fries from the new chip bus in Wharncliffe so it was fish and chips.  Delicious.  

On Saturday evening we went to our other spot and fished from shore.  Nothing but bass but everyone caught some decent ones which we released.  The walleye just weren't biting.  And neither were the black flies that night.

The first picture is of the new sign announcing your arrival in Thessalon.  It is very colourful and lights up at night.  Beautiful.

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