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Monday, May 24, 2021



My little chipmunk keeping an eye out for the little weasel that has been seen hanging around today.  Weasels hunt little rodents so he better keep a keen eye out for him.

My Testicle Plants are out!!!  They are actually Pink Lady's Slippers which is a member of the orchid family.  We have a lot around here.  Always a nice day when you see them.

Hit the Greenhouse today for my plants - $125 later!!!  Next year I will grow my own.  It is getting a bit expensive and the selection was not that great today.  Apparently everyone is gardening this year.  We have all our tomato and cucumber plants in front of our house like last year.  Only place that gets full sun and is close to a garden hose.  

Got our central air installed this week.  It has been cool so no need for it yet but I have a feeling that it will be a very hot and humid summer up here so we are prepared.  

We trimmed some small trees and bushes out front that was interfering with the view of the lake.  We left the majority up but now you can see the lake a little better.

Pictures of my red chairs with a new plant just because I think it is pretty.

Steve is on his way home tomorrow with these two beauties.  Steve has his own business, Flo Hardwoods where he makes custom dining tables, coffee tables, desks etc. out of beautiful pieces of wood.  He is always on the lookout for these driftwood root balls that he uses to create amazing coffee tables.  He found a couple and they fit into his trailer for the ride home.  Can't wait to see what he does with them.  Check out his website to see his past creations.

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