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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Highway Run

Well I finally hit the road today for the first time this year. I have been training on my treadmill but the weather is sooooo nice today I figure it is time. I had to do a 4.82 k run so I know from here to FootPrint Lake Road and back is 5 k so that was my scheduled run. Is it ever different to actually run on the road. I admit I had to walk twice especially up that last hill but I felt good. I am recouping with my BudLite (sorry Stacey - I do have chocolate milk upstairs but I am too lazy to go get it) Didn't see any creatures yet but in my walks last year I did see deer, foxes, toads, snakes etc. I won't be carrying my camera so I won't be able to take advantage of those photo opportunities. At the end of the drive way there is still snow on either side so when I finished my run and was walking up the drive it was like walking into a refridgerator - nice and cool....
Did my dump run this morning and am getting ready for company for dinner tonite - John and Linda from Axe Lake and I am doing my famous Turkey in a Box - the easiest way to cook a turkey I know of and it is delicious. Everything is ready to go so I can relax - as it should be.
After dinner we will be watching the hockey game and hoping Montreal wins!!!!
Dock guy is supposed to drop by today or tomorrow - I won't hold my breath.
I have to wash my screens and get them up so I can open my windows and let that great northern air in.
See ya bye

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