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Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Sure Sign of Spring

You can tell it is finally spring and the snow is melting - every car that goes by on the highway his hauling fourwheelers instead of snow machines!!!
And speaking of which, we got ours out of the garage on the other property and got them on the road. Mine started up first try but Rejeans took and bit of work. I washed them both as we had put them away dirty - in November after hunting season you don't have too many nice days to wash them. They cleaned up real nice. We went for a ride across on the mine side - a bit muddy but not much snow. Had a lot of fun getting stuck in some snow but we got out. Scoping out some firewood which will be our next big project - we are a bit behind because of the snow but we'll get'er done before the bugs.
The dock guy showed up today - just when the sun came out. Was he ever talkative!!! By the time he left it was time for showers and dinner so I never did get over to the sun deck - maybe tomorrow....
Dinner last nite was great but - what happened to Montreal????? Shoot the puck!!!
See ya bye

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