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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sittin on the Dock on the Lake....

Yes, that will be me this summer - Rejean called dock guy and worked something out and it is official - there will be a dock on the lake this year!!!! He'll start probably the end of May - just in time for tourist season - the chairs I want are on sale in town and I will be picking them up tomorrow so we are all set. Can't wait.
Also we called Terry and discussed the fill required for the addition and that is also in the works - let the construction begin....
Guess what I did today???? Yes split more wood. My wood shed is filled to capacity and now we are starting on Rejean's wood. We got a good head start - we were out at 8:30 am and didn't finish until 3:30 and boy was it cold. When the sun was out you could feel it on your back and it was pleasant but when it was cloudy and the wind picked up it was brutal - and it was snowing today around dinner time!!!! It's April 30th for goodness sake - I want at least spring!!
I identified the two ducks I thought were 2 female mallards - they are black ducks (not really black but dark brown) Very pretty ducks and they are sticking around so maybe they will nest around here - AND I have seen the TWO loons - so they are back. They were swimming around right out in front today so I yelled at them to go make babies!!!
Tomorrow is a day off from the hard labour - the logging meeting, doctor's appointment, make a deposit on the dock and buy my chairs - then I have to start transplanting my plants in my garden to make way for the fill. No rest for the wicked.
See Ya Bye

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