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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Stood Up

Well the dock guy never called - but that does not surprise us as people are very laid back up here and they get around to it when they get around to it. Patience....

We were out on the road Tuesday nite - just down the highway to see what the river is doing and we stopped at Pig Pen Chute - that is it above - as you can see there is still snow in the bush - we walked from the highway into it (without our snowshoes) and the snow was still up to my knees. At times you could walk on top of the snow but then - Surprise!! - you've sunk up to your knees on the next step - what fun. Looks like it would be a real adventure in the Kayaks but that will have to wait until I am better at it - plus a lot warmer!!!
Last nite we went over to Axe Lake where they were cooking their maple syrup - I've never seen that and it was boring - just watching a big pan of liquid boil but we visited and helped pore the syrup into another pan to be cooked down some more and if it works, there will be a pancake breakfast Sunday to try it. Yum Yum - can't wait.
Washed both vehicles and windows today as the wind has finally disappeared and it is actually a little warm out there. Major melting time. Got to do my run today 3 miles so I better get to it.
See ya bye
Oh and thanks Joanne for the comment about the chair that YOU gave me - it will look even better on the dock!!

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