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Monday, April 28, 2008

More More More

More hard work again today but we are now in the splitting stage having cut "enough" to fill our wood sheds. We filled two trailer loads and stacked them in my woodshe and we should finish it off tomorrow. Then we have to stack Rejean's over there because he still has to build his wood shed this summer after we get Terry to put some fill in the low area beside the garage. More work. Whoever said being retired was easy. Not that I am complaining about it. It is the best hard work I have ever done - I hurt but to see the stack of wood and know that I am all set for next winter - it's great. We have about three more days of splitting to do - Wednesday is sot because there is a meeting about the forestry industry trying to cut down the trees beside lakes when there is supposed to be a "buffer zone" - I have been asked to take the minutes...never having done that sort of thing I am a bit scared. I have a tape recorded that I am going to use to make sure I don't miss anything. Then I have a doctor's appointment at 1:30 - (we were talking to a woman who has lived in Thessalon for years who still doesn't have a family doctor - she was a little upset that we did in our short time up here - I told her how I did it so now she is going to try) Dr Wagigecik is the best - each appointment lasts about 45 minutes - she is very good!!
The little fox was just around and is he ever scrawny!! I fed him his hotdogs and he is on his way probably for desert at Axe Lake.
Just a couple of pictures (if I can get it to work)
See Ya Bye

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