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Friday, April 18, 2008

There Will Be Bears

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful - not what was predicted - the temps got up into the 20s and sunny - just the right time for the bears to start waking up and beginning to feed - we haven't spotted any yet but there is always the chance. Last year we did have a little two year old cub visit us and did not seem to be very afraid of humans - when he was shooed away he just walked instead of running. He made a nusance of himself at other camps and finally Ralphy shot him - It was the same one the highway workers had been feeding the fall before and when he woke up he just assumed that he would be fed in this general area. Not good when you have three lodges within a couple of miles from here and lots of tourist who think it may be cute to feed the bears.
Take a look at the size of poop the sisters found in their travels a few years ago. I would not want to meet up with the one that made that one. Nice find Joanne!! Any excuse for a photo opportunity.
And the ministry tells us that if you are attacked by a black bear you fight back!! It is with a grizzly that you play dead - yeah right - try playing dead with a huge bear chewing on your arm. is where you find out more information - I have it posted on both my fridges "DON'T FEED THE BEARS"

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