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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

1501st POSTING!!

No, this is not turning into a cooking blog - altho there are quite a few good ones out there - I just wanted to post a picture of my dinner tonite.  It is my world famous beef barley soup.  I made it the other day and there is still some left so that was my dinner tonite along with a salad.  The second picture is of the beef stew I made the other day as well.  Rejean had that.  I liked the stew but I prefer my soup.  Actually the soup is just as thick as the stew - I guess Rachel would call it a stewp.
And, according to stats kept for me by Blogger, this is my 1501st posting since April 2008.  Hard to believe that just a few short years ago I didn't know what a blog was.  I have kept it up for years letting you know what I do everyday up here in the North Country.  Sometimes it has been boring where there has been nothing good to post about (like today maybe?) and other times I don't have enough room for all the news and excitement up here.  But every time I post something I know that you know it is what I have done that I thought you might find interesting.  Hope you are enjoying it.
See Ya Bye


Anonymous said...

looks very delish-ss

RICKY said...

love the blog...keep it going!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog too Aunt Janet!

Anonymous said...

And please keep it up Janet. This is our only way to make up for not being there in person. Great writing and great photos... thank you!
Steve & Jen

Meagab Beavers said...

I love your blog. It reminds me of what I'm missing. I can't wait to start enjoying the good llfe someday up there.