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Thursday, March 1, 2012


This is our new toy.  Jack, my b-i-l sent it to Rejean to sharpen his chainsaw chains.  We had been looking at them after seeing Jack's.  Usually we use files to sharpen the teeth on the saw but this works much better.  After assembling it yesterday, it is being put to use today.  I managed to maneuver my way in front of Rejean to try my hand at it.  Easy Peasy.
Usually in the spring we head into the woods to bring in our firewood for next season but since we got some logs from Mitch and cleared some big oaks that fell during a storm, we don't have to do it this year.  But I am sure there will be many occasions to get out the chainsaws.  And now they will be nice and sharp!!
Thanks again Jack.

1 comment:

axe lake said...

wheh are you going to put some pics or the bar