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Sunday, March 11, 2012


Yesterday was Derby Day on Jobam - it started out being a rather chilly, cloudy and cold day but by the afternoon, the skies had cleared and it actually pleasant out there.  There were two pop-up shacks that Ron and Rejean had - the black and yellow ones - they were supposed to be 4-man shacks but I think only two people can be comfortable in them.  Ron also had his permanent one.  By the end of the day there were a few more portables up.  The first fish caught was the white fish - it took 3 guys to land it.  One guy noticed that the tip-up was down, one guy reeled it in and one guy pulled it up by hand.  We decided to give the prize to Ron W because he took the fish home.  Darlene caught a can of tuna (or maybe salmon) - it's a tradition around here - someone always catches a can of tuna - I don't know why.  And then Rejean caught the lake trout - he and Kenny stayed out longer than anyone else (everyone else was back in the garage drinking and staying warm).  We had hot dogs for lunch and burgers for dinner.  Even Ute was out with her new puppy Natasha.
Everyone had a great time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a dreamy picture of Rejean :)
We had a great time...even without a fishing licence... U&T