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Saturday, March 3, 2012


When they close highway 129 and part of highway 17 and don't open the dump on dump day, you are pretty much snowed in up north.  John was up at 7am on Axe Lake blowing snow.  Those guys are probably having a riot over there plowing the Axe Lake road.  There is John, Bob, Kenny and Kenny Jr on the Lake as far as I know so between the 4 of them they should have that road clear by noon.  They better because we are heading over there this evening for a get together at John and Linda's - a welcome home party for Kenny Jr.  He finished a course in Sudbury and now he is home.
We are done here - Rejean took over the tractor because it was a little deep and I was assigned other duties.
The birds are going nuts on the seed - I have 1 scoop left and I will dole it out sparingly to them.  The squirrel gets peanuts.  But he is sneaking over to the bird feeder to get the seeds that drop down.
Now to get the rest of my Saturday chores done.
See Ya Bye

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