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Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I guess it is true what they say - as soon as the frogs start chirping, the smelt start running.  Well the frogs were out during the beautiful warm weather we had and lo and behold, the smelt are running.  We headed over to John and Linda's last nite for the smelt run.  Ron and Rejean, John, Randy, Bruce, Mary-Jane, Linda, Bob and myself were all there.  They had a great fire going for us wussies and they guys were on the dock waiting for the run to begin.  It was slow at first - one or two at a time but by the end of the evening, everyone had a lot - that is except Bruce who had to leave early because he fell in the water!!!  It was very cold last nite and when the dock got wet, it turned to ice so it was very slippery.  Well, Bruce made a fast move and in he went - he was holding on to Rejean's leg to pull himself out and almost took Rejean with him.  But he didn't scream, as I would have done for sure.  I am sure that water was extremely cold and major shrinkage occurred ;o)
I would have had pictures to post of the event but my batteries ran out.  I did manage to get a picture of the camp fire but really, how many fires have you seen on my blog?  I decided to post the picture of the head and guts of the little buggers (sorry Mr & Mrs Barr but it really isn't a bad word) and the finished product.  And I did announce that I would not be cleaning any smelt as I wasn't catching any - I only went to watch but somehow I got talked into helping.  I took my car because I didn't want to stay as late as the guys but I was having so much fun I didn't notice the time - I got home at midnite and the guys didn't finish until 1:30am and John said they were running really good after that.
Boots will benefit from the catch - I hope he likes guts....
Now to find a good smelt recipe...

ps - we had smelt for dinner and was it great - they really are very tasty but next time I will use the cheese ritz cracker crumbs instead of just bread crumbs - I like it that way.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever tried cornmeal?

Anonymous said...

You fished off John & Linda's dock ? There's smelt in Axe lake ?

Anonymous said...

where were you catching them?save a feed for jack

Anonymous said...

Cornmeal is good, I use it on smelt & perch. Nice,lite coating dont even need eggs wash just shake in the cornmeal