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Sunday, March 4, 2012


The SippySaurus cup - this is Bob's sippy cup that Linda and John got for him for his birthday.  He likes it because he can sip his drinks without spillage.  Last nite was the first time he used it.  But it is not good for travelling because it does spill in his pocket - he has another sippy cup for travelling.
The next picture is of Kenny Jr with his cake.  He graduated from a mining course in Sudbury so we threw him a congratulatory party at John and Linda's last nite.  The cake was from Valu-Mart and it was good.  The party was only supposed to be in the late afternoon but nobody left so John threw some dogs on the BBQ and Linda had some left over cole-slaw so it was dinner.  I enjoyed the dogs.
There is also a picture of Robin having a snooze during  the hockey game - I don't blame her - it was Toronto and Montreal and the first game with Toronto's new coach - they won thank goodness.
The next picture was on the road into John and Linda's.  Bob plowed the road after the big snowfall we had.  Nice job Bob!!
And last but not least is Linda standing on the steps down from the garage - you can get an idea of how deep her snow is.  They call her the SnowBitch in the winter - she wears it well.  ;o)

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